Healing Fairy Gardens
Do you have a healing garden? I know most would argue that most gardens are healing. But, how about a healing fairy garden? It has long been a dream of mine to have a fairy garden. It would be complete with whimsical charm, fairy houses and figurines, plants and flowers throughout! So when I was invited to visit those of two friends of mine, I couldn't pass up the chance.
This Summer I received some devastating and life changing news in regards to my health. As soon as my friends and family were made aware, I was quickly embraced with an enormous amount of love and support from them. At the time I was living in Savannah, and diagnosed with Metastasis Breast Cancer. I knew that I had to be get back home to be closer to my family in California.
So, to make this part of the story quite short. (I will elaborate on that in another blog post) Off I went and have been soaking up all the lost time with friends and family. What a pleasure it was soaking up the California sun and spending time with the fairies.

My Fairy Godmother Sharelle has been growing her healing garden for years. It is such a magical place. Filled with art and stone sculptures. Original hand crafted whimsy at every turn. We had delightful time catching up and walking through her garden. There is definitely more to experience than I was able to capture.
My scorpio sister Tamara and I have birthday's one day apart! We met up for tea in her healing fairy garden and sat under a fruitful grapefruit tree. We even got a visit from humming bird who gave us a fluttering show and an opportunity to capture a photo.
Can you spot the humming bird?

Visiting these two wonderful ladies and their gardens reminded me how important it is to slow down, to sit and talk with friends as opposed to catching up over a facebook post. Sometimes you need that face to face interaction. My visit with the fairies that live in their gardens was meaningful to me. I hope to invite the fairies into my very own garden and create with them soon.